Monkey Transfer Learning Can Improve Human Pose Estimation


現在の最先端の姿勢推定技術は、多くの場合ディープ ニューラル ネットワークを使用しており、非臨床データセットにおける人間のアノテーションと一致させることができます。
倫理的な課題とデータ収集の欠如により、臨床データセットは AI トレーニングに広く利用できません。
ベンチマークと比較して、転移学習アプローチに必要な人間のトレーニング例の数は少なくなりました (1,000 対 19,185)。


In this study, we investigated whether transfer learning from macaque monkeys could improve human pose estimation. Current state-of-the-art pose estimation techniques, often employing deep neural networks, can match human annotation in non-clinical datasets. However, they underperform in novel situations, limiting their generalisability to clinical populations with pathological movement patterns. Clinical datasets are not widely available for AI training due to ethical challenges and a lack of data collection. We observe that data from other species may be able to bridge this gap by exposing the network to a broader range of motion cues. We found that utilising data from other species and undertaking transfer learning improved human pose estimation in terms of precision and recall compared to the benchmark, which was trained on humans only. Compared to the benchmark, fewer human training examples were needed for the transfer learning approach (1,000 vs 19,185). These results suggest that macaque pose estimation can improve human pose estimation in clinical situations. Future work should further explore the utility of pose estimation trained with monkey data in clinical populations.


著者 Bradley Scott,Clarisse de Vries,Aiden Durrant,Nir Oren,Edward Chadwick,Dimitra Blana
発行日 2024-12-20 15:06:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク