Efficient Motion Sickness Assessment: Recreation of On-Road Driving on a Compact Test Track


消費者は、乗車中に他の活動に参加できることが、自動運転車を採用する主な理由の 1 つであると考えています。
この調査研究では、路上での乗り物酔いの影響を小さなテスト トラックで効率的に再現するために、最適な経路と速度基準を設計する方法を開発します。
この方法では、モデル予測制御を使用して、70 m × 175 m のテスト トラック上の路上走行から収集された前後方向および横方向の加速度を再現します。
被験者内実験(参加者 47 名)は、テストトラックと道路上の条件で乗員の乗り物酔いの発生状況を比較し、条件を相互ランダム化して実施しました。


The ability to engage in other activities during the ride is considered by consumers as one of the key reasons for the adoption of automated vehicles. However, engagement in non-driving activities will provoke occupants’ motion sickness, deteriorating their overall comfort and thereby risking acceptance of automated driving. Therefore, it is critical to extend our understanding of motion sickness and unravel the modulating factors that affect it through experiments with participants. Currently, most experiments are conducted on public roads (realistic but not reproducible) or test tracks (feasible with prototype automated vehicles). This research study develops a method to design an optimal path and speed reference to efficiently replicate on-road motion sickness exposure on a small test track. The method uses model predictive control to replicate the longitudinal and lateral accelerations collected from on-road drives on a test track of 70 m by 175 m. A within-subject experiment (47 participants) was conducted comparing the occupants’ motion sickness occurrence in test-track and on-road conditions, with the conditions being cross-randomized. The results illustrate no difference and no effect of the condition on the occurrence of the average motion sickness across the participants. Meanwhile, there is an overall correspondence of individual sickness levels between on-road and test-track. This paves the path for the employment of our method for a simpler, safer and more replicable assessment of motion sickness.


著者 Huseyin Harmankaya,Adrian Brietzke,Rebecca Pham Xuan,Barys Shyrokau,Riender Happee,Georgios Papaioannou
発行日 2024-12-19 15:56:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.ET, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク