Contextualized Counterspeech: Strategies for Adaptation, Personalization, and Evaluation


AI によって生成された反対演説は、市民間の議論を促進する直接的な返信を通じてオンラインの有害性を抑制する、有望かつ拡張可能な戦略を提供します。
LLaMA2-13B モデルにカウンタースピーチを生成するように指示し、さまざまなコンテキスト情報と微調整戦略に基づいてさまざまな構成を実験します。
状況に応じた AI 生成の反論の有効性と、人間による評価とアルゴリズムによる評価の乖離は、コンテンツのモデレーションにおいて人間と AI のコラボレーションを強化することの重要性を浮き彫りにしています。


AI-generated counterspeech offers a promising and scalable strategy to curb online toxicity through direct replies that promote civil discourse. However, current counterspeech is one-size-fits-all, lacking adaptation to the moderation context and the users involved. We propose and evaluate multiple strategies for generating tailored counterspeech that is adapted to the moderation context and personalized for the moderated user. We instruct an LLaMA2-13B model to generate counterspeech, experimenting with various configurations based on different contextual information and fine-tuning strategies. We identify the configurations that generate persuasive counterspeech through a combination of quantitative indicators and human evaluations collected via a pre-registered mixed-design crowdsourcing experiment. Results show that contextualized counterspeech can significantly outperform state-of-the-art generic counterspeech in adequacy and persuasiveness, without compromising other characteristics. Our findings also reveal a poor correlation between quantitative indicators and human evaluations, suggesting that these methods assess different aspects and highlighting the need for nuanced evaluation methodologies. The effectiveness of contextualized AI-generated counterspeech and the divergence between human and algorithmic evaluations underscore the importance of increased human-AI collaboration in content moderation.


著者 Lorenzo Cima,Alessio Miaschi,Amaury Trujillo,Marco Avvenuti,Felice Dell’Orletta,Stefano Cresci
発行日 2024-12-19 15:41:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.SI パーマリンク