Deep hybrid models: infer and plan in a dynamic world


能動推論は、行動と知覚が人生の 2 つの相補的な側面であり、前者の役割は後者によって推論された予測を満たすことであると仮定します。
提案されたアーキテクチャはハイブリッド (離散的および連続的) 処理を活用しており、次の 3 つの機能に基づいています。
このディープ ハイブリッド モデルを、移動ツールを選択した後に移動オブジェクトに到達するという習慣的なタスクで評価します。


In order to determine an optimal plan for a complex task, one often deals with dynamic and hierarchical relationships between several entities. Traditionally, such problems are tackled with optimal control, which relies on the optimization of cost functions; instead, a recent biologically-motivated proposal casts planning and control as an inference process. Active inference assumes that action and perception are two complementary aspects of life whereby the role of the former is to fulfill the predictions inferred by the latter. In this study, we present a solution, based on active inference, for complex control tasks. The proposed architecture exploits hybrid (discrete and continuous) processing, and it is based on three features: the representation of potential body configurations related to the objects of interest; the use of hierarchical relationships that enable the agent to flexibly expand its body schema for tool use; the definition of potential trajectories related to the agent’s intentions, used to infer and plan with dynamic elements at different temporal scales. We evaluate this deep hybrid model on a habitual task: reaching a moving object after having picked a moving tool. We show that the model can tackle the presented task under different conditions. This study extends past work on planning as inference and advances an alternative direction to optimal control.


著者 Matteo Priorelli,Ivilin Peev Stoianov
発行日 2024-12-18 17:05:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク