Project Report: Requirements for a Social Robot as an Information Provider in the Public Sector


このプロジェクトで得られた最も重要な洞察の 1 つは、大規模な言語モデルに基づく自然言語処理機能と、人間のようなジェスチャーや姿勢の変化 (アニメーション) を備えたヒューマノイド ロボットが、標準のブラウザーと比較してユーザーにはるかに好まれることが証明されたということです。
さらに、ACT-R 認知アーキテクチャとロボットの接続を提案します。この場合、ACT-R モデルはロボット アプリケーションとの対話で使用され、人間とロボットの間の対話を認知的に処理し、強化します。


Is it possible to integrate a humanoid social robot into the work processes or customer care in an official environment, e.g. in municipal offices? If so, what could such an application scenario look like and what skills would the robot need to have when interacting with human customers? What are requirements for this kind of interactions? We have devised an application scenario for such a case, determined the necessary or desirable capabilities of the robot, developed a corresponding robot application and carried out initial tests and evaluations in a project together with the Kiel City Council. One of the most important insights gained in the project was that a humanoid robot with natural language processing capabilities based on large language models as well as human-like gestures and posture changes (animations) proved to be much more preferred by users compared to standard browser-based solutions on tablets for an information system in the City Council. Furthermore, we propose a connection of the ACT-R cognitive architecture with the robot, where an ACT-R model is used in interaction with the robot application to cognitively process and enhance a dialogue between human and robot.


著者 Thomas Sievers,Nele Russwinkel
発行日 2024-12-06 13:07:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク