Structure-Aware Stylized Image Synthesis for Robust Medical Image Segmentation


正確な医療画像のセグメンテーションは、効果的な診断と治療計画に不可欠ですが、イメージング デバイス、取得条件、患者固有の属性の違いによって引き起こされるドメインのシフトによってしばしば課題となります。
従来のドメイン汎化手法では通常、トレーニング セット内にテスト ドメインの一部を含める必要がありますが、多様なデータが限られている臨床現場では必ずしも実現可能ではありません。
これにより、ターゲット ドメインがトレーニング データに存在しない場合でも、堅牢で正確なセグメンテーションが保証されます。


Accurate medical image segmentation is essential for effective diagnosis and treatment planning but is often challenged by domain shifts caused by variations in imaging devices, acquisition conditions, and patient-specific attributes. Traditional domain generalization methods typically require inclusion of parts of the test domain within the training set, which is not always feasible in clinical settings with limited diverse data. Additionally, although diffusion models have demonstrated strong capabilities in image generation and style transfer, they often fail to preserve the critical structural information necessary for precise medical analysis. To address these issues, we propose a novel medical image segmentation method that combines diffusion models and Structure-Preserving Network for structure-aware one-shot image stylization. Our approach effectively mitigates domain shifts by transforming images from various sources into a consistent style while maintaining the location, size, and shape of lesions. This ensures robust and accurate segmentation even when the target domain is absent from the training data. Experimental evaluations on colonoscopy polyp segmentation and skin lesion segmentation datasets show that our method enhances the robustness and accuracy of segmentation models, achieving superior performance metrics compared to baseline models without style transfer. This structure-aware stylization framework offers a practical solution for improving medical image segmentation across diverse domains, facilitating more reliable clinical diagnoses.


著者 Jie Bao,Zhixin Zhou,Wen Jung Li,Rui Luo
発行日 2024-12-05 16:15:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, eess.IV パーマリンク