[Work in progress] Scalable, out-of-the box segmentation of individual particles from mineral samples acquired with micro CT


ここでは、エポキシ マトリックスに埋め込まれた鉱物サンプルから撮影した大きなマイクロ CT 画像から個々の粒子を抽出できるインスタンス セグメンテーション法を提案します。
私たちのアプローチは、強力な nnU-Net フレームワークに基づいており、粒子サイズの正規化を導入し、ボーダーコア表現を利用してインスタンスのセグメンテーションを可能にし、多数の異なる材料や鉱物の粒子を含む大規模なデータセットでトレーニングされています。
私たちのアプローチは、トレーニング セットに含まれていないマテリアルや外観など、さまざまな種類の粒子にすぐに適用できることを示しています。


Minerals are indispensable for a functioning modern society. Yet, their supply is limited causing a need for optimizing their exploration and extraction both from ores and recyclable materials. Typically, these processes must be meticulously adapted to the precise properties of the processed particles, requiring an extensive characterization of their shapes, appearances as well as the overall material composition. Current approaches perform this analysis based on bulk segmentation and characterization of particles, and rely on rudimentary postprocessing techniques to separate touching particles. However, due to their inability to reliably perform this separation as well as the need to retrain or reconfigure most methods for each new image, these approaches leave untapped potential to be leveraged. Here, we propose an instance segmentation method that is able to extract individual particles from large micro CT images taken from mineral samples embedded in an epoxy matrix. Our approach is based on the powerful nnU-Net framework, introduces a particle size normalization, makes use of a border-core representation to enable instance segmentation and is trained with a large dataset containing particles of numerous different materials and minerals. We demonstrate that our approach can be applied out-of-the box to a large variety of particle types, including materials and appearances that have not been part of the training set. Thus, no further manual annotations and retraining are required when applying the method to new mineral samples, enabling substantially higher scalability of experiments than existing methods. Our code and dataset are made publicly available.


著者 Karol Gotkowski,Shuvam Gupta,Jose R. A. Godinho,Camila G. S. Tochtrop,Klaus H. Maier-Hein,Fabian Isensee
発行日 2023-02-13 13:55:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク