Skews in the Phenomenon Space Hinder Generalization in Text-to-Image Generation


次に、自然画像に移り、私たちの理論に照らした単純な分布の摂動が、絶対的なデータ サイズを拡大することなく一般化を促進することを示します。
私たちの議論では、1) 生成されたエンティティと関係の構成の評価、2) 抽象的な関係を推論するためのより良いモデルに関する重要な未解決の疑問が指摘されています。


The literature on text-to-image generation is plagued by issues of faithfully composing entities with relations. But there lacks a formal understanding of how entity-relation compositions can be effectively learned. Moreover, the underlying phenomenon space that meaningfully reflects the problem structure is not well-defined, leading to an arms race for larger quantities of data in the hope that generalization emerges out of large-scale pretraining. We hypothesize that the underlying phenomenological coverage has not been proportionally scaled up, leading to a skew of the presented phenomenon which harms generalization. We introduce statistical metrics that quantify both the linguistic and visual skew of a dataset for relational learning, and show that generalization failures of text-to-image generation are a direct result of incomplete or unbalanced phenomenological coverage. We first perform experiments in a synthetic domain and demonstrate that systematically controlled metrics are strongly predictive of generalization performance. Then we move to natural images and show that simple distribution perturbations in light of our theories boost generalization without enlarging the absolute data size. This work informs an important direction towards quality-enhancing the data diversity or balance orthogonal to scaling up the absolute size. Our discussions point out important open questions on 1) Evaluation of generated entity-relation compositions, and 2) Better models for reasoning with abstract relations.


著者 Yingshan Chang,Yasi Zhang,Zhiyuan Fang,Yingnian Wu,Yonatan Bisk,Feng Gao
発行日 2024-10-25 13:56:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク