Guiding Empowerment Model: Liberating Neurodiversity in Online Higher Education


この記事では、約 100 件の論文の二次研究を通じて神経発散的な視点を統合し、学習者の能力に影響を与える日常の経験を文脈化する主要な認知的要因と状況的要因を含む指導的エンパワーメント モデルを紹介します。
機能上のユーザーの問題を浮き彫りにする 3 つのサンプル学生プロファイルを合成します。


In this innovative practice full paper, we address the equity gap for neurodivergent and situationally limited learners by identifying the spectrum of dynamic factors that impact learning and function. Educators have shown a growing interest in identifying learners’ cognitive abilities and learning preferences to measure their impact on academic achievement. Often institutions employ one-size-fits-all approaches leaving the burden on disabled students to self-advocate or tolerate inadequate support. Emerging frameworks guide neurodivergent learners through instructional approaches, such as online education. However, these frameworks fail to address holistic environmental needs or recommend technology interventions, particularly for those with undisclosed learning or developmental disabilities and situational limitations. In this article, we integrate a neurodivergent perspective through secondary research of around 100 articles to introduce a Guiding Empowerment Model involving key cognitive and situational factors that contextualize day-to-day experiences affecting learner ability. We synthesize three sample student profiles that highlight user problems in functioning. We use this model to evaluate sample learning platform features and other supportive technology solutions. The proposed approach augments frameworks such as Universal Design for Learning to consider factors including various sensory processing differences, social connection challenges, and environmental limitations. We suggest that by applying the mode through technology-enabled features such as customizable task management, guided varied content access, and guided multi-modal collaboration, major learning barriers of neurodivergent and situationally limited learners will be removed to activate the successful pursuit of their academic goals.


著者 Hannah Beaux,Pegah Karimi,Otilia Pop,Rob Clark
発行日 2024-10-24 16:05:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク