Caging in Time: A Framework for Robust Object Manipulation under Uncertainties and Limited Robot Perception


この目的を達成するために、この研究では、タスクに従事しているロボットが 1 台だけであっても、ケージ構成を形成できるようにする、「Caging in Time」と呼ばれる新しい概念を提案しています。


Real-world object manipulation has been commonly challenged by physical uncertainties and perception limitations. Being an effective strategy, while caging configuration-based manipulation frameworks have successfully provided robust solutions, they are not broadly applicable due to their strict requirements on the availability of multiple robots, widely distributed contacts, or specific geometries of the robots or the objects. To this end, this work proposes a novel concept, termed Caging in Time, to allow caging configurations to be formed even if there is just one robot engaged in a task. This novel concept can be explained by an insight that even if a caging configuration is needed to constrain the motion of an object, only a small portion of the cage is actively manipulating at a time. As such, we can switch the configuration of the robot strategically so that by collapsing its configuration in time, we will see a cage formed and its necessary portion active whenever needed. We instantiate our Caging in Time theory on challenging quasistatic and dynamic manipulation tasks, showing that Caging in Time can be achieved in general state spaces including geometry-based and energy-based spaces. With extensive experiments, we show robust and accurate manipulation, in an open-loop manner, without requiring detailed knowledge of the object geometry or physical properties, nor realtime accurate feedback on the manipulation states. In addition to being an effective and robust open-loop manipulation solution, the proposed theory can be a supplementary strategy to other manipulation systems affected by uncertain or limited robot perception.


著者 Gaotian Wang,Kejia Ren,Andrew S. Morgan,Kaiyu Hang
発行日 2024-10-21 20:12:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク