Stage-Aware Learning for Dynamic Treatments


動的治療計画 (DTR) の最近の進歩により、個人の特定のニーズに合わせて調整され、期待される臨床上の利点を最大化できる最適な治療の探索が容易になりました。
しかし、逆確率重み付け推定器 (IPWE) などの一貫した軌道に依存する既存のアルゴリズムは、特に慢性疾患の状況において、最適な治療下でのサンプルサイズが不十分であったり、意思決定段階が増えたりするという問題に悩まされる可能性があります。
観察された軌跡が最適な処理と完全に一致していなければならないという制限を緩和することにより、私たちのアプローチは、IPWE ベースのメソッドのサンプル効率と安定性を大幅に向上させます。


Recent advances in dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs) facilitate the search for optimal treatments, which are tailored to individuals’ specific needs and able to maximize their expected clinical benefits. However, existing algorithms relying on consistent trajectories, such as inverse probability weighting estimators (IPWEs), could suffer from insufficient sample size under optimal treatments and a growing number of decision-making stages, particularly in the context of chronic diseases. To address these challenges, we propose a novel individualized learning method which estimates the DTR with a focus on prioritizing alignment between the observed treatment trajectory and the one obtained by the optimal regime across decision stages. By relaxing the restriction that the observed trajectory must be fully aligned with the optimal treatments, our approach substantially improves the sample efficiency and stability of IPWE-based methods. In particular, the proposed learning scheme builds a more general framework which includes the popular outcome weighted learning framework as a special case of ours. Moreover, we introduce the notion of stage importance scores along with an attention mechanism to explicitly account for heterogeneity among decision stages. We establish the theoretical properties of the proposed approach, including the Fisher consistency and finite-sample performance bound. Empirically, we evaluate the proposed method in extensive simulated environments and a real case study for the COVID-19 pandemic.


著者 Hanwen Ye,Wenzhuo Zhou,Ruoqing Zhu,Annie Qu
発行日 2024-10-17 16:59:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク