On Barycenter Computation: Semi-Unbalanced Optimal Transport-based Method on Gaussians


正確な測地線勾配降下法は、ビュレス多様体の測地線に沿った重心の目的関数の一次導関数の正確な閉形式の計算に基づいていますが、ハイブリッド勾配降下法は、SUOT 問題を解くときにオプティマイザー コンポーネントを利用します。


We explore a robust version of the barycenter problem among $n$ centered Gaussian probability measures, termed Semi-Unbalanced Optimal Transport (SUOT)-based Barycenter, wherein the barycenter remains fixed while the others are relaxed using Kullback-Leibler divergence. We develop optimization algorithms on Bures-Wasserstein manifold, named the Exact Geodesic Gradient Descent and Hybrid Gradient Descent algorithms. While the Exact Geodesic Gradient Descent method is based on computing the exact closed form of the first-order derivative of the objective function of the barycenter along a geodesic on the Bures manifold, the Hybrid Gradient Descent method utilizes optimizer components when solving the SUOT problem to replace outlier measures before applying the Riemannian Gradient Descent. We establish the theoretical convergence guarantees for both methods and demonstrate that the Exact Geodesic Gradient Descent algorithm attains a dimension-free convergence rate. Finally, we conduct experiments to compare the normal Wasserstein Barycenter with ours and perform an ablation study.


著者 Ngoc-Hai Nguyen,Dung Le,Hoang-Phi Nguyen,Tung Pham,Nhat Ho
発行日 2024-10-10 17:01:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: 62-08, cs.LG, G.1.6 パーマリンク