iWalker: Imperative Visual Planning for Walking Humanoid Robot


人型ロボットは、人間向けに設計された環境で幅広いタスクを実行できる可能性があり、一般的な AI エージェントの基盤として重要であると考えられています。
私たちはこのメソッドを iWalker と呼びます。これは、自己監視型の神経記号学習フレームワークである命令型学習 (IL) によって駆動されます。
実験では、iWalker はシミュレーション環境と現実世界の両方の環境で有効性を実証し、多用途で自律的なヒューマノイド ロボットに向けた大きな進歩を示しています。


Humanoid robots, with the potential to perform a broad range of tasks in environments designed for humans, have been deemed crucial for the basis of general AI agents. When talking about planning and controlling, although traditional models and task-specific methods have been extensively studied over the past few decades, they are inadequate for achieving the flexibility and versatility needed for general autonomy. Learning approaches, especially reinforcement learning, are powerful and popular nowadays, but they are inherently ‘blind’ during training, relying heavily on trials in simulation without proper guidance from physical principles or underlying dynamics. In response, we propose a novel end-to-end pipeline that seamlessly integrates perception, planning, and model-based control for humanoid robot walking. We refer to our method as iWalker, which is driven by imperative learning (IL), a self-supervising neuro-symbolic learning framework. This enables the robot to learn from arbitrary unlabeled data, significantly improving its adaptability and generalization capabilities. In experiments, iWalker demonstrates effectiveness in both simulated and real-world environments, representing a significant advancement toward versatile and autonomous humanoid robots.


著者 Xiao Lin,Yuhao Huang,Taimeng Fu,Xiaobin Xiong,Chen Wang
発行日 2024-09-27 00:35:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク