AquaMILR+: Design of an untethered limbless robot for complex aquatic terrain navigation


この論文では、複雑な水中環境で機敏なナビゲーションを行うために設計された、テグリングのない手足のないロボット、AquaMILR+ について紹介します。
AquaMILR+ には、ウナギとウミヘビの浮き袋と肺の構造にヒントを得たコンパクトな深度制御システムも含まれています。
オープンウォーターと屋内の 2D および 3D の異種水生環境の両方でのテストでは、AquaMILR+ の機能が強調され、捜索救助や深海探査などの複雑な水中作業に有望なシステムが示唆されています。


This paper presents AquaMILR+, an untethered limbless robot designed for agile navigation in complex aquatic environments. The robot features a bilateral actuation mechanism that models musculoskeletal actuation in many anguilliform swimming organisms which propagates a moving wave from head to tail allowing open fluid undulatory swimming. This actuation mechanism employs mechanical intelligence, enhancing the robot’s maneuverability when interacting with obstacles. AquaMILR+ also includes a compact depth control system inspired by the swim bladder and lung structures of eels and sea snakes. The mechanism, driven by a syringe and telescoping leadscrew, enables depth and pitch control-capabilities that are difficult for most anguilliform swimming robots to achieve. Additional structures, such as fins and a tail, further improve stability and propulsion efficiency. Our tests in both open water and indoor 2D and 3D heterogeneous aquatic environments highlight AquaMILR+’s capabilities and suggest a promising system for complex underwater tasks such as search and rescue and deep-sea exploration.


著者 Matthew Fernandez,Tianyu Wang,Galen Tunnicliffe,Donoven Dortilus,Peter Gunnarson,John O. Dabiri,Daniel I. Goldman
発行日 2024-09-27 01:49:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク