An explicit construction of Kaleidocycles by elliptic theta functions


特定の二次方程式系を満たす 2 次元球上の点の配置空間を考えます。
楕円シータ関数を使用してこの配置空間に周期軌道を構築し、それらが mKdV およびサインゴードン方程式の半離散類似物を満たすことを示します。


We consider the configuration space of points on the two-dimensional sphere that satisfy a specific system of quadratic equations. We construct periodic orbits in this configuration space using elliptic theta functions and show that they satisfy semi-discrete analogues of mKdV and sine-Gordon equations. The configuration space we investigate corresponds to the state space of a linkage mechanism known as the Kaleidocycle, and the constructed orbits describe the characteristic motion of the Kaleidocycle. Our approach is founded on the relationship between the deformation of spatial curves and integrable systems, offering an intriguing example where an integrable system generates an orbit in the space of real solutions to polynomial equations defined by geometric constraints.


著者 Shizuo Kaji,Kenji Kajiwara,Shota Shigetomi
発行日 2024-09-25 11:37:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 35Q53, 37K10, 37K25, 53A04, 53A17, 53A70, 70B15, cs.RO, math.DG, nlin.SI パーマリンク