A Ducted Fan UAV for Safe Aerial Grabbing and Transfer of Multiple Loads Using Electromagnets


これらのタスクでは、多くの場合、UAV が環境や物体の近くで安全に動作し、ペイロードを効率的に把握する必要があります。
これらの問題に対処するために、この論文では、胴体の外部に取り付けられた電磁石を備えた同軸ダクテッドファン UAV を紹介します。これにより、複雑なアクチュエータを追加することなく、空中での複数の荷物の安全な把握と伝達が可能になります。
最後に、姿勢追跡を維持しながら飛行中に人間の手から複数の荷重を直接把握する UAV の能力を検証するために飛行試験が行われます。


In recent years, research on aerial grasping, manipulation, and transportation of objects has garnered significant attention. These tasks often require UAVs to operate safely close to environments or objects and to efficiently grasp payloads. However, current widely adopted flying platforms pose safety hazards: unprotected high-speed rotating propellers can cause harm to the surroundings. Additionally, the space for carrying payloads on the fuselage is limited, and the restricted position of the payload also hinders efficient grasping. To address these issues, this paper presents a coaxial ducted fan UAV which is equipped with electromagnets mounted externally on the fuselage, enabling safe grasping and transfer of multiple loads in midair without complex additional actuators. It also has the capability to achieve direct human-UAV cargo transfer in the air. The forces acting on the loads during magnetic attachment and their influencing factors were analyzed. An ADRC controller is utilized to counteract disturbances during grasping and achieve attitude control. Finally, flight tests are conducted to verify the UAV’s ability to directly grasp multiple loads from human hands in flight while maintaining attitude tracking.


著者 Zhong Yin,Hailong Pei
発行日 2024-09-24 07:36:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク