Repeatable Energy-Efficient Perching for Flapping-Wing Robots Using Soft Grippers


新しい羽ばたき翼超小型航空機 (FWMAV) 設計の出現により、広範かつ高度なミッション能力の必要性が生じています。
FWMAV は、鳥や飛行昆虫の飛行機能を適応させてエミュレートしようとします。
柔らかく損傷のないグリッパーを利用して、小型から中型の FWMAV の反復可能な止まり木と離陸を可能にするフレームワークの開発とテストを紹介します。
提案されたシステムのプロトタイプは重量 39 g 未満で製造され、110 g の羽ばたき翼ロボットで徹底的にテストされました。


With the emergence of new flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle (FWMAV) designs, a need for extensive and advanced mission capabilities arises. FWMAVs try to adapt and emulate the flight features of birds and flying insects. While current designs already achieve high manoeuvrability, they still almost entirely lack perching and take-off abilities. These capabilities could, for instance, enable long-term monitoring and surveillance missions, and operations in cluttered environments or in proximity to humans and animals. We present the development and testing of a framework that enables repeatable perching and take-off for small to medium-sized FWMAVs, utilising soft, non-damaging grippers. Thanks to its novel active-passive actuation system, an energy-conserving state can be achieved and indefinitely maintained while the vehicle is perched. A prototype of the proposed system weighing under 39 g was manufactured and extensively tested on a 110 g flapping-wing robot. Successful free-flight tests demonstrated the full mission cycle of landing, perching and subsequent take-off. The telemetry data recorded during the flights yields extensive insight into the system’s behaviour and is a valuable step towards full automation and optimisation of the entire take-off and landing cycle.


著者 Krispin C. V. Broers,Sophie F. Armanini
発行日 2024-09-18 12:32:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク