Robots that Learn to Safely Influence via Prediction-Informed Reach-Avoid Dynamic Games


この研究では、安全バックアップ制御が存在する場合に限り、ロボットが最大限の影響力を発揮できるようにする、斬新で堅牢なリーチ回避ダイナミック ゲームを提案し、解決します。
私たちは、オフラインのゲーム理論による強化学習を介して解決される、高次元 (39-D) シミュレーションされた人間とロボットの協調操作タスクで、SLIDE (Safely Leveraging Influence in Dynamic Environments) と呼ばれるメソッドをインスタンス化します。
SLIDE を使用すると、安全な場合にロボットが人間に与える影響を利用できるようになり、最終的にはタスク実行中に高い安全率を確保しながら、ロボットの保守性が低下することがわかりました。


Robots can influence people to accomplish their tasks more efficiently: autonomous cars can inch forward at an intersection to pass through, and tabletop manipulators can go for an object on the table first. However, a robot’s ability to influence can also compromise the safety of nearby people if naively executed. In this work, we pose and solve a novel robust reach-avoid dynamic game which enables robots to be maximally influential, but only when a safety backup control exists. On the human side, we model the human’s behavior as goal-driven but conditioned on the robot’s plan, enabling us to capture influence. On the robot side, we solve the dynamic game in the joint physical and belief space, enabling the robot to reason about how its uncertainty in human behavior will evolve over time. We instantiate our method, called SLIDE (Safely Leveraging Influence in Dynamic Environments), in a high-dimensional (39-D) simulated human-robot collaborative manipulation task solved via offline game-theoretic reinforcement learning. We compare our approach to a robust baseline that treats the human as a worst-case adversary, a safety controller that does not explicitly reason about influence, and an energy-function-based safety shield. We find that SLIDE consistently enables the robot to leverage the influence it has on the human when it is safe to do so, ultimately allowing the robot to be less conservative while still ensuring a high safety rate during task execution.


著者 Ravi Pandya,Changliu Liu,Andrea Bajcsy
発行日 2024-09-18 17:15:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク