Additive-feature-attribution methods: a review on explainable artificial intelligence for fluid dynamics and heat transfer


トレーニング プロセス中にモデル内で生成された関係を解釈するには、数値属性を入力フィーチャに割り当てる必要があります。
重要な例の 1 つは、付加的特徴帰属法です。
SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP 値) は、モデルを理解するための独自のソリューションを提供する唯一の可能な解釈として定式化されます。
この原稿では、カーネル SHAP、ツリー SHAP、勾配 SHAP、およびディープ SHAP という文献で一般的な 4 つの実装を示しながら、加法的特徴アトリビューション手法を紹介します。
次に、加法特徴帰属法の主な応用例を、乱流モデリング、流体力学の基礎、流体力学と熱伝達の応用問題という 3 つの主要なグループに分けて紹介します。


The use of data-driven methods in fluid mechanics has surged dramatically in recent years due to their capacity to adapt to the complex and multi-scale nature of turbulent flows, as well as to detect patterns in large-scale simulations or experimental tests. In order to interpret the relationships generated in the models during the training process, numerical attributions need to be assigned to the input features. One important example are the additive-feature-attribution methods. These explainability methods link the input features with the model prediction, providing an interpretation based on a linear formulation of the models. The SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP values) are formulated as the only possible interpretation that offers a unique solution for understanding the model. In this manuscript, the additive-feature-attribution methods are presented, showing four common implementations in the literature: kernel SHAP, tree SHAP, gradient SHAP, and deep SHAP. Then, the main applications of the additive-feature-attribution methods are introduced, dividing them into three main groups: turbulence modeling, fluid-mechanics fundamentals, and applied problems in fluid dynamics and heat transfer. This review shows thatexplainability techniques, and in particular additive-feature-attribution methods, are crucial for implementing interpretable and physics-compliant deep-learning models in the fluid-mechanics field.


著者 Andrés Cremades,Sergio Hoyas,Ricardo Vinuesa
発行日 2024-09-18 13:59:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, physics.flu-dyn パーマリンク