Extending the Benefits of Parallel Elasticity across Multiple Actuation Tasks: A Geometric and Optimization-Based Approach


力源 (電気モーターや人間の筋肉など) と並列に配置されたばねは、ばねの剛性、ばねのプリロード、および作動タスクに応じて、そのエネルギー消費と力 (つまり、トルクまたは力) を削減できます。
具体的には、最適化変数に一連の凸二次制約 (平行バネの剛性とプリロード) を適用することで、複数のタスクにわたる利点を保証します。
導入を促進するために、最適化および幾何学的手法は、Web ブラウザーで実行できる補足的なオープンソース ソフトウェアとして利用可能です。


A spring in parallel with an effort source (e.g., electric motor or human muscle) can reduce its energy consumption and effort (i.e., torque or force) depending on the spring stiffness, spring preload, and actuation task. However, selecting the spring stiffness and preload that guarantees effort or energy reduction for an arbitrary set of tasks is a design challenge. This work formulates a convex optimization problem to guarantee that a parallel spring reduces the root-mean-square source effort or energy consumption for multiple tasks. Specifically, we guarantee the benefits across multiple tasks by enforcing a set of convex quadratic constraints in our optimization variables — the parallel spring stiffness and preload. These quadratic constraints are equivalent to ellipses in the stiffness and preload plane, any combination of stiffness and preload inside the ellipse represents a parallel spring that minimizes effort source or energy consumption with respect to an actuator without a spring. This geometric interpretation intuitively guides the stiffness and preload selection process. We analytically and experimentally prove the convex quadratic function of the spring stiffness and preload. As applications, we analyze the stiffness and preload selection of a parallel spring for a knee exoskeleton using human muscle as the effort source and a prosthetic ankle powered by electric motors. To promote adoption, the optimization and geometric methods are available as supplemental open-source software that can be executed in a web browser.


著者 Kang Yang,Myia Dickens,James Schmiedeler,Edgar Bolívar-Nieto
発行日 2024-09-13 14:55:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク