Image Vectorization with Depth: convexified shape layers with depth ordering


画像のベクトル化は、ラスター イメージをスケーラブルなベクター グラフィック形式に変換するプロセスです。
形状の深さ順序を構築した後、オイラーのエラスティカ曲率ベースの変分修復によってオクルージョン領域を凸化し、Modica-Mortola 二重井戸ポテンシャル エネルギーの安定性を活用して大きな領域を修復します。
最後に、ベジエ曲線を境界にフィットさせ、ベクトル化を SVG ファイルとして保存します。これにより、深さの順序に従って曲率ベースでペイントされた形状を重ね合わせることができます。
セマンティック ベクトル化のためにシェイプ レイヤーをグループ化することも検討します。


Image vectorization is a process to convert a raster image into a scalable vector graphic format. Objective is to effectively remove the pixelization effect while representing boundaries of image by scaleable parameterized curves. We propose new image vectorization with depth which considers depth ordering among shapes and use curvature-based inpainting for convexifying shapes in vectorization process.From a given color quantized raster image, we first define each connected component of the same color as a shape layer, and construct depth ordering among them using a newly proposed depth ordering energy. Global depth ordering among all shapes is described by a directed graph, and we propose an energy to remove cycle within the graph. After constructing depth ordering of shapes, we convexify occluded regions by Euler’s elastica curvature-based variational inpainting, and leverage on the stability of Modica-Mortola double-well potential energy to inpaint large regions. This is following human vision perception that boundaries of shapes extend smoothly, and we assume shapes are likely to be convex. Finally, we fit B\'{e}zier curves to the boundaries and save vectorization as a SVG file which allows superposition of curvature-based inpainted shapes following the depth ordering. This is a new way to vectorize images, by decomposing an image into scalable shape layers with computed depth ordering. This approach makes editing shapes and images more natural and intuitive. We also consider grouping shape layers for semantic vectorization. We present various numerical results and comparisons against recent layer-based vectorization methods to validate the proposed model.


著者 Ho Law,Sung Ha Kang
発行日 2024-09-10 17:06:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR パーマリンク