STLM Engineering Report: Dropout


この研究では、特に 1 億パラメータ未満のスケールのモデルのコンテキストにおいて、現代の言語モデルに対するドロップアウトの関連性を調査します。


In this work we explore the relevance of dropout for modern language models, particularly in the context of models on the scale of <100M parameters. We explore it's relevance firstly in the regime of improving the sample efficiency of models given small, high quality datasets, and secondly in the regime of improving the quality of its fit on larger datasets where models may underfit. We find that concordant with conventional wisdom, dropout remains effective in the overfitting scenario, and that furthermore it may have some relevance for improving the fit of models even in the case of excess data, as suggested by previous research. In the process we find that the existing explanation for the mechanism behind this performance gain is not applicable in the case of language modelling.


著者 Dylan Hillier,Leon Guertler,Bobby Cheng,Cheston Tan
発行日 2024-09-09 08:24:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, I.2.7 パーマリンク