Measuring Transparency in Intelligent Robots


この論文は、英語、ドイツ語、イタリア語で利用可能な、ロボット システムの知覚される透明性を測定するための最初の包括的な尺度を提示することで、このギャップに対処します。
提案された規模は、1,223 人の参加者が関与する厳密な 3 段階のプロセスの成果です。
最終的な尺度は 26 項目で構成され、判読性、説明可能性、予測可能性の 3 つの要素で構成されます。
TOROS は、3 つの国境を越えたサンプルにわたって、言語間での高い信頼性、因子間相関、モデルの適合性、内部一貫性、および収束妥当性を実証します。
標準化された尺度を提供することで、TOROS がベンチマークとして機能する人間とロボットのインタラクションにおける一貫した比較可能な研究を促進します。


As robots become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the need to make them transparent has never been more critical. Yet, despite its importance in human-robot interaction, a standardized measure of robot transparency has been missing until now. This paper addresses this gap by presenting the first comprehensive scale to measure perceived transparency in robotic systems, available in English, German, and Italian languages. Our approach conceptualizes transparency as a multidimensional construct, encompassing explainability, legibility, predictability, and meta-understanding. The proposed scale was a product of a rigorous three-stage process involving 1,223 participants. Firstly, we generated the items of our scale, secondly, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis, and thirdly, a confirmatory factor analysis served to validate the factor structure of the newly developed TOROS scale. The final scale encompasses 26 items and comprises three factors: Illegibility, Explainability, and Predictability. TOROS demonstrates high cross-linguistic reliability, inter-factor correlation, model fit, internal consistency, and convergent validity across the three cross-national samples. This empirically validated tool enables the assessment of robot transparency and contributes to the theoretical understanding of this complex construct. By offering a standardized measure, we facilitate consistent and comparable research in human-robot interaction in which TOROS can serve as a benchmark.


著者 Georgios Angelopoulos,Dimitri Lacroix,Ricarda Wullenkord,Alessandra Rossi,Silvia Rossi,Friederike Eyssel
発行日 2024-08-29 19:09:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク