Stochastic Compositional Minimax Optimization with Provable Convergence Guarantees


我々は、シンプルかつ効果的なアルゴリズムである確率的補正確率勾配降下上昇 (CODA) を導入します。これは、組成補正ステップを備えた降下上昇型アルゴリズムであり、前述の 3 つの設定でその収束率を確立します。
したがって、非凸-強凹および非凸-凹の設定を考慮し、CODA が効率的に静止点に収束できることを示します。
また、分散削減バージョン アルゴリズム CODA+ も提供します。これは、非凸-強凹および非凸-凹の組成ミニマックス問題で最もよく知られているレートを達成します。


Stochastic compositional minimax problems are prevalent in machine learning, yet there are only limited established on the convergence of this class of problems. In this paper, we propose a formal definition of the stochastic compositional minimax problem, which involves optimizing a minimax loss with a compositional structure either in primal , dual, or both primal and dual variables. We introduce a simple yet effective algorithm, stochastically Corrected stOchastic gradient Descent Ascent (CODA), which is a descent ascent type algorithm with compositional correction steps, and establish its convergence rate in aforementioned three settings. In the presence of the compositional structure in primal, the objective function typically becomes nonconvex in primal due to function composition. Thus, we consider the nonconvex-strongly-concave and nonconvex-concave settings and show that CODA can efficiently converge to a stationary point. In the case of composition on the dual, the objective function becomes nonconcave in the dual variable, and we demonstrate convergence in the strongly-convex-nonconcave and convex-nonconcave setting. In the case of composition on both variables, the primal and dual variables may lose convexity and concavity, respectively. Therefore, we anaylze the convergence in weakly-convex-weakly-concave setting. We also give a variance reduction version algorithm, CODA+, which achieves the best known rate on nonconvex-strongly-concave and nonconvex-concave compositional minimax problem. This work initiates the theoretical study of the stochastic compositional minimax problem on various settings and may inform modern machine learning scenarios such as domain adaptation or robust model-agnostic meta-learning.


著者 Yuyang Deng,Fuli Qiao,Mehrdad Mahdavi
発行日 2024-08-22 16:00:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク