Enhanced Scale-aware Depth Estimation for Monocular Endoscopic Scenes with Geometric Modeling


相対的な深度と現実世界の値の間の正確なスケールを回復するために、画像のみの幾何学的プリミティブ (つまり、器具の境界と先端) に基づく代数幾何学によって、内視鏡シーン内の器具の 3D 姿勢をさらに計算します。
その後、手術器具の 3D ポーズにより、相対深度マップのスケール回復が可能になります。


Scale-aware monocular depth estimation poses a significant challenge in computer-aided endoscopic navigation. However, existing depth estimation methods that do not consider the geometric priors struggle to learn the absolute scale from training with monocular endoscopic sequences. Additionally, conventional methods face difficulties in accurately estimating details on tissue and instruments boundaries. In this paper, we tackle these problems by proposing a novel enhanced scale-aware framework that only uses monocular images with geometric modeling for depth estimation. Specifically, we first propose a multi-resolution depth fusion strategy to enhance the quality of monocular depth estimation. To recover the precise scale between relative depth and real-world values, we further calculate the 3D poses of instruments in the endoscopic scenes by algebraic geometry based on the image-only geometric primitives (i.e., boundaries and tip of instruments). Afterwards, the 3D poses of surgical instruments enable the scale recovery of relative depth maps. By coupling scale factors and relative depth estimation, the scale-aware depth of the monocular endoscopic scenes can be estimated. We evaluate the pipeline on in-house endoscopic surgery videos and simulated data. The results demonstrate that our method can learn the absolute scale with geometric modeling and accurately estimate scale-aware depth for monocular scenes.


著者 Ruofeng Wei,Bin Li,Kai Chen,Yiyao Ma,Yunhui Liu,Qi Dou
発行日 2024-08-14 03:18:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク