Cross-aware Early Fusion with Stage-divided Vision and Language Transformer Encoders for Referring Image Segmentation


参照セグメンテーションは、自然言語表現に関連するターゲット オブジェクトをセグメント化することを目的としています。
この問題に対処するために、この論文では、段階分割ビジョンおよび言語変換エンコーダとのクロス認識早期融合 (CrossVLT) という新しいアーキテクチャを提案します。
このように、提案されたアプローチはシンプルですが画像セグメンテーションを参照するのに効果的であり、3 つの公開ベンチマークで以前の最先端の方法よりも優れています。


Referring segmentation aims to segment a target object related to a natural language expression. Key challenges of this task are understanding the meaning of complex and ambiguous language expressions and determining the relevant regions in the image with multiple objects by referring to the expression. Recent models have focused on the early fusion with the language features at the intermediate stage of the vision encoder, but these approaches have a limitation that the language features cannot refer to the visual information. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel architecture, Cross-aware early fusion with stage-divided Vision and Language Transformer encoders (CrossVLT), which allows both language and vision encoders to perform the early fusion for improving the ability of the cross-modal context modeling. Unlike previous methods, our method enables the vision and language features to refer to each other’s information at each stage to mutually enhance the robustness of both encoders. Furthermore, unlike the conventional scheme that relies solely on the high-level features for the cross-modal alignment, we introduce a feature-based alignment scheme that enables the low-level to high-level features of the vision and language encoders to engage in the cross-modal alignment. By aligning the intermediate cross-modal features in all encoder stages, this scheme leads to effective cross-modal fusion. In this way, the proposed approach is simple but effective for referring image segmentation, and it outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods on three public benchmarks.


著者 Yubin Cho,Hyunwoo Yu,Suk-ju Kang
発行日 2024-08-14 13:17:41+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク