Judgment2vec: Apply Graph Analytics to Searching and Recommendation of Similar Judgments


法廷実務において、法律専門家は、その訓練に基づいて事件を解決する意見を提供します。最も重要な側面の 1 つは、過去の裁判所からの同様の判決を効率的に特定する能力です。
次に、「事例と記事」の関係に基づいてナレッジ グラフを構築し、自然言語処理を使用して各事例をランク付けし、「Node2vec 類似性スコア」を導き出しました。
これら 2 つの類似性スコアを評価することで、それらの不一致と関係を特定しました。


In court practice, legal professionals rely on their training to provide opinions that resolve cases, one of the most crucial aspects being the ability to identify similar judgments from previous courts efficiently. However, finding a similar case is challenging and often depends on experience, legal domain knowledge, and extensive labor hours, making veteran lawyers or judges indispensable. This research aims to automate the analysis of judgment text similarity. We utilized a judgment dataset labeled as the ‘golden standard’ by experts, which includes human-verified features that can be converted into an ‘expert similarity score.’ We then constructed a knowledge graph based on ‘case-article’ relationships, ranking each case using natural language processing to derive a ‘Node2vec similarity score.’ By evaluating these two similarity scores, we identified their discrepancies and relationships. The results can significantly reduce the labor hours required for legal searches and recommendations, with potential applications extending to various fields of information retrieval.


著者 Hsuan-Lei Shao
発行日 2024-08-08 11:37:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: (Primary), 68T50, cs.AI, cs.IR, I.2.4 パーマリンク