Trade-offs of Dynamic Control Structure in Human-swarm Systems


集中制御戦略と分散制御戦略はどちらも、マルチロボット システムの制御に特有の利点と欠点をもたらします。
私たちは、環境監視タスクを実行する人間の群れシステムにおけるこれらの各アプローチのトレードオフを検証し、階層システムと分散システムの要素を組み合わせた柔軟なハイブリッド アプローチを提案します。
柔軟なハイブリッド システムは、人間のオペレーターに送信されるメッセージの数を削減しながら (ここでは 23.1%)、集中型システムよりも優れたパフォーマンス (環境監視タスクでは 19.2%) を発揮できることがわかりました。


Swarm robotics is a study of simple robots that exhibit complex behaviour only by interacting locally with other robots and their environment. The control in swarm robotics is mainly distributed whereas centralised control is widely used in other fields of robotics. Centralised and decentralised control strategies both pose a unique set of benefits and drawbacks for the control of multi-robot systems. While decentralised systems are more scalable and resilient, they are less efficient compared to the centralised systems and they lead to excessive data transmissions to the human operators causing cognitive overload. We examine the trade-offs of each of these approaches in a human-swarm system to perform an environmental monitoring task and propose a flexible hybrid approach, which combines elements of hierarchical and decentralised systems. We find that a flexible hybrid system can outperform a centralised system (in our environmental monitoring task by 19.2%) while reducing the number of messages sent to a human operator (here by 23.1%). We conclude that establishing centralisation for a system is not always optimal for performance and that utilising aspects of centralised and decentralised systems can keep the swarm from hindering its performance.


著者 Thomas G. Kelly,Mohammad D. Soorati,Klaus-Peter Zauner,Sarvapali D. Ramchurn,and Danesh Tarapore
発行日 2024-08-05 16:31:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク