Mastering Agile Jumping Skills from Simple Practices with Iterative Learning Control


脚式移動に対する他の ILC アプローチと比較して、私たちの方法は、制御入力が利用できない長い飛行フェーズの問題に取り組むことができます。
さまざまなジャンプ タスクの A1 モデルとハードウェアでの広範な実験を通じて、この方法を検証します。
小さなジャンプ (例: 40 cm の前方跳躍) から始めて、ロボットがさまざまな困難な目標を達成できるようにします。これには、高さ 20 cm の箱に飛び乗ったり、最大 60 cm の長距離にジャンプしたりすることも含まれます。
私たちのフレームワークにより、ロボットは数回の試行内でおよそ 1 cm と 1 度の誤差で目的の位置と方向のターゲットに到達することができます。


Achieving precise target jumping with legged robots poses a significant challenge due to the long flight phase and the uncertainties inherent in contact dynamics and hardware. Forcefully attempting these agile motions on hardware could result in severe failures and potential damage. Motivated by these challenging problems, we propose an Iterative Learning Control (ILC) approach that aims to learn and refine jumping skills from easy to difficult, instead of directly learning these challenging tasks. We verify that learning from simplicity can enhance safety and target jumping accuracy over trials. Compared to other ILC approaches for legged locomotion, our method can tackle the problem of a long flight phase where control input is not available. In addition, our approach allows the robot to apply what it learns from a simple jumping task to accomplish more challenging tasks within a few trials directly in hardware, instead of learning from scratch. We validate the method via extensive experiments in the A1 model and hardware for various jumping tasks. Starting from a small jump (e.g., a forward leap of 40cm), our learning approach empowers the robot to accomplish a variety of challenging targets, including jumping onto a 20cm high box, jumping to a greater distance of up to 60cm, as well as performing jumps while carrying an unknown payload of 2kg. Our framework can allow the robot to reach the desired position and orientation targets with approximate errors of 1cm and 1 degree within a few trials.


著者 Chuong Nguyen,Lingfan Bao,Quan Nguyen
発行日 2024-08-05 16:43:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク