Tell me why: Training preferences-based RL with human preferences and step-level explanations


最近では、人間が 2 つの軌道よりも好みを指定する必要がある好みベースの方法 (PbRL) の人気が高まっています。これは、より直接的なフィードバックを定式化するのが難しい領域でのトレーニングを可能にするためです。
ただし、現在の PBRL 方法には限界があり、人間にフィードバックを与えるための表現力豊かなインターフェイスが提供されていません。


Human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning allows the training of agents through various interfaces, even for non-expert humans. Recently, preference-based methods (PbRL), where the human has to give his preference over two trajectories, increased in popularity since they allow training in domains where more direct feedback is hard to formulate. However, the current PBRL methods have limitations and do not provide humans with an expressive interface for giving feedback. With this work, we propose a new preference-based learning method that provides humans with a more expressive interface to provide their preference over trajectories and a factual explanation (or annotation of why they have this preference). These explanations allow the human to explain what parts of the trajectory are most relevant for the preference. We allow the expression of the explanations over individual trajectory steps. We evaluate our method in various simulations using a simulated human oracle (with realistic restrictions), and our results show that our extended feedback can improve the speed of learning.


著者 Jakob Karalus
発行日 2024-08-05 12:59:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.LG パーマリンク