Reversible Attack based on Local Visual Adversarial Perturbation


ただし、敵対的な摂動を画像に加えると、元のデータが破壊され、デジタル フォレンジックやその他の分野で画像が役に立たなくなります。
画像の歪みを軽減するために、ロスレス圧縮と B-R-G (bluered-green) 埋め込み原理が採用されています。
CIFAR-10 および ImageNet データセットでの実験では、提案された方法が元の画像をエラーなしで復元できると同時に、優れた攻撃性能を確保できることが示されています。


Adding perturbations to images can mislead classification models to produce incorrect results. Recently, researchers exploited adversarial perturbations to protect image privacy from retrieval by intelligent models. However, adding adversarial perturbations to images destroys the original data, making images useless in digital forensics and other fields. To prevent illegal or unauthorized access to sensitive image data such as human faces without impeding legitimate users, the use of reversible adversarial attack techniques is increasing. The original image can be recovered from its reversible adversarial examples. However, existing reversible adversarial attack methods are designed for traditional imperceptible adversarial perturbations and ignore the local visible adversarial perturbation. In this paper, we propose a new method for generating reversible adversarial examples based on local visible adversarial perturbation. The information needed for image recovery is embedded into the area beyond the adversarial patch by the reversible data hiding technique. To reduce image distortion, lossless compression and the B-R-G (bluered-green) embedding principle are adopted. Experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets show that the proposed method can restore the original images error-free while ensuring good attack performance.


著者 Li Chen,Shaowei Zhu,Zhaoxia Yin
発行日 2023-01-02 09:25:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク