What makes for good morphology representations for spatial omics?


同時に、イメージング AI の進歩により、組織を表す形態学的特徴の抽出が可能になりました。
空間オミクスとイメージング AI が交差することで、より全体的な理解の機会が生まれます。
このような機能を使用すると、超解像度遺伝子発現マップを生成したり、臨床 H&E 染色サンプルから遺伝情報を推測したりできます。


Spatial omics has transformed our understanding of tissue architecture by preserving spatial context of gene expression patterns. Simultaneously, advances in imaging AI have enabled extraction of morphological features describing the tissue. The intersection of spatial omics and imaging AI presents opportunities for a more holistic understanding. In this review we introduce a framework for categorizing spatial omics-morphology combination methods, focusing on how morphological features can be translated or integrated into spatial omics analyses. By translation we mean finding morphological features that spatially correlate with gene expression patterns with the purpose of predicting gene expression. Such features can be used to generate super-resolution gene expression maps or infer genetic information from clinical H&E-stained samples. By integration we mean finding morphological features that spatially complement gene expression patterns with the purpose of enriching information. Such features can be used to define spatial domains, especially where gene expression has preceded morphological changes and where morphology remains after gene expression. We discuss learning strategies and directions for further development of the field.


著者 Eduard Chelebian,Christophe Avenel,Carolina Wählby
発行日 2024-08-01 09:56:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク