An AI-Enabled Framework Within Reach for Enhancing Healthcare Sustainability and Fairness


健康と福祉は、国連の 2030 年の持続可能な開発目標の重要な課題の 1 つです。
最近、アクセス可能なカメラの異常な数を活用することにより、カメラ センサーを使用した生理学的信号モニタリングと疾患診断のための AI 手法に画期的な進歩が現れました。
CBPH は、特に低所得国や中所得国や地域における医療の普遍性、持続可能性、公平性の促進において、国連の持続可能な開発目標を推進する、公衆衛生のための便利で普遍的な枠組みと考えることができます。
さらに、CBPH は、大規模で人間中心の医療データベースを構築するための包括的なソリューションと、公衆衛生および医学科学的発見のためのマルチタスクの大規模医療モデルを提供します。


Good health and well-being is among key issues in the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The rising prevalence of large-scale infectious diseases and the accelerated aging of the global population are driving the transformation of healthcare technologies. In this context, establishing large-scale public health datasets, developing medical models, and creating decision-making systems with a human-centric approach are of strategic significance. Recently, by leveraging the extraordinary number of accessible cameras, groundbreaking advancements have emerged in AI methods for physiological signal monitoring and disease diagnosis using camera sensors. These approaches, requiring no specialized medical equipment, offer convenient manners of collecting large-scale medical data in response to public health events. Therefore, we outline a prospective framework and heuristic vision for a camera-based public health (CBPH) framework utilizing visual physiological monitoring technology. The CBPH can be considered as a convenient and universal framework for public health, advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in promoting the universality, sustainability, and equity of healthcare in low- and middle-income countries or regions. Furthermore, CBPH provides a comprehensive solution for building a large-scale and human-centric medical database, and a multi-task large medical model for public health and medical scientific discoveries. It has a significant potential to revolutionize personal monitoring technologies, digital medicine, telemedicine, and primary health care in public health. Therefore, it can be deemed that the outcomes of this paper will contribute to the establishment of a sustainable and fair framework for public health, which serves as a crucial bridge for advancing scientific discoveries in the realm of AI for medicine (AI4Medicine).


著者 Bin Huang,Changchen Zhao,Zimeng Liu,Shenda Hong,Baochang Zhang,Hao Lu,Zhijun Liu,Wenjin Wang,Hui Liu
発行日 2024-08-01 09:57:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.CY パーマリンク