Emotion-driven Piano Music Generation via Two-stage Disentanglement and Functional Representation


この論文は、2 段階のフレームワークを通じて、ピアノ演奏の生成における感情の解きほぐしを探求します。
第 1 段階ではリードシートの価数モデリングに焦点を当て、第 2 段階ではパフォーマンスレベルの属性を導入することで覚醒モデリングに取り組みます。


Managing the emotional aspect remains a challenge in automatic music generation. Prior works aim to learn various emotions at once, leading to inadequate modeling. This paper explores the disentanglement of emotions in piano performance generation through a two-stage framework. The first stage focuses on valence modeling of lead sheet, and the second stage addresses arousal modeling by introducing performance-level attributes. To further capture features that shape valence, an aspect less explored by previous approaches, we introduce a novel functional representation of symbolic music. This representation aims to capture the emotional impact of major-minor tonality, as well as the interactions among notes, chords, and key signatures. Objective and subjective experiments validate the effectiveness of our framework in both emotional valence and arousal modeling. We further leverage our framework in a novel application of emotional controls, showing a broad potential in emotion-driven music generation.


著者 Jingyue Huang,Ke Chen,Yi-Hsuan Yang
発行日 2024-07-30 16:29:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.SD, eess.AS パーマリンク