Invariance of deep image quality metrics to affine transformations


ディープ アーキテクチャは、主観的な画質を予測するための現在の最先端技術です。
通常、これらのモデルは、デジタル メディアに現れる可能性のあるさまざまな歪みを含むデータベース内の人間の意見と相関する能力に応じて評価されます。
ここで、メトリックの不変性とは、特定の距離の値がしきい値を下回る場合、その距離を無視する (ゼロと見なす) 必要があるという事実を指します。


Deep architectures are the current state-of-the-art in predicting subjective image quality. Usually, these models are evaluated according to their ability to correlate with human opinion in databases with a range of distortions that may appear in digital media. However, these oversee affine transformations which may represent better the changes in the images actually happening in natural conditions. Humans can be particularly invariant to these natural transformations, as opposed to the digital ones. In this work, we evaluate state-of-the-art deep image quality metrics by assessing their invariance to affine transformations, specifically: rotation, translation, scaling, and changes in spectral illumination. Here invariance of a metric refers to the fact that certain distances should be neglected (considered to be zero) if their values are below a threshold. This is what we call invisibility threshold of a metric. We propose a methodology to assign such invisibility thresholds for any perceptual metric. This methodology involves transformations to a distance space common to any metric, and psychophysical measurements of thresholds in this common space. By doing so, we allow the analyzed metrics to be directly comparable with actual human thresholds. We find that none of the state-of-the-art metrics shows human-like results under this strong test based on invisibility thresholds. This means that tuning the models exclusively to predict the visibility of generic distortions may disregard other properties of human vision as for instance invariances or invisibility thresholds.


著者 Nuria Alabau-Bosque,Paula Daudén-Oliver,Jorge Vila-Tomás,Valero Laparra,Jesús Malo
発行日 2024-07-29 11:55:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク