Learning mental states estimation through self-observation: a developmental synergy between intentions and beliefs representations in a deep-learning model of Theory of Mind


心の理論 (ToM)、つまり信念、意図、または精神状態を他人のせいにする能力は、人間の社会的相互作用の重要な特徴です。
しかし、これらの変数は直接観察できないため、ToM を理解することは、心理学、機械学習、ロボット工学などのさまざまな分野にとって興味深い探求となっています。
この論文では、低レベルの精神状態 (意図、目標など) を予測する学習と高レベルの精神状態 (信念など) の帰属との間の発達上の相乗効果を示すことで、このトピックに貢献します。


Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to attribute beliefs, intentions, or mental states to others, is a crucial feature of human social interaction. In complex environments, where the human sensory system reaches its limits, behaviour is strongly driven by our beliefs about the state of the world around us. Accessing others’ mental states, e.g., beliefs and intentions, allows for more effective social interactions in natural contexts. Yet, these variables are not directly observable, making understanding ToM a challenging quest of interest for different fields, including psychology, machine learning and robotics. In this paper, we contribute to this topic by showing a developmental synergy between learning to predict low-level mental states (e.g., intentions, goals) and attributing high-level ones (i.e., beliefs). Specifically, we assume that learning beliefs attribution can occur by observing one’s own decision processes involving beliefs, e.g., in a partially observable environment. Using a simple feed-forward deep learning model, we show that, when learning to predict others’ intentions and actions, more accurate predictions can be acquired earlier if beliefs attribution is learnt simultaneously. Furthermore, we show that the learning performance improves even when observed actors have a different embodiment than the observer and the gain is higher when observing beliefs-driven chunks of behaviour. We propose that our computational approach can inform the understanding of human social cognitive development and be relevant for the design of future adaptive social robots able to autonomously understand, assist, and learn from human interaction partners in novel natural environments and tasks.


著者 Francesca Bianco,Silvia Rigato,Maria Laura Filippetti,Dimitri Ognibene
発行日 2024-07-25 13:15:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.NE, cs.RO パーマリンク