PhenoBench — A Large Dataset and Benchmarks for Semantic Image Interpretation in the Agricultural Domain


ビジョン システムは、より適切で持続可能な圃場管理の意思決定をサポートするだけでなく、時間的に高密度で再現可能な測定を可能にすることで、新しい作物の品種の育種もサポートします。
UAV で記録されたデータセットは、作物や雑草の高品質なピクセル単位の注釈を提供しますが、同時に作物の葉のインスタンスも提供します。
さらに、さまざまなフィールド (トレーニング データでカバーされる既知のフィールドとまったく目に見えないフィールド) で構成される隠れたテスト セットでさまざまなタスクのベンチマークを提供します。
データセット、ベンチマーク、コードは \url{} で入手できます。


The production of food, feed, fiber, and fuel is a key task of agriculture, which has to cope with many challenges in the upcoming decades, e.g., a higher demand, climate change, lack of workers, and the availability of arable land. Vision systems can support making better and more sustainable field management decisions, but also support the breeding of new crop varieties by allowing temporally dense and reproducible measurements. Recently, agricultural robotics got an increasing interest in the vision and robotics communities since it is a promising avenue for coping with the aforementioned lack of workers and enabling more sustainable production. While large datasets and benchmarks in other domains are readily available and enable significant progress, agricultural datasets and benchmarks are comparably rare. We present an annotated dataset and benchmarks for the semantic interpretation of real agricultural fields. Our dataset recorded with a UAV provides high-quality, pixel-wise annotations of crops and weeds, but also crop leaf instances at the same time. Furthermore, we provide benchmarks for various tasks on a hidden test set comprised of different fields: known fields covered by the training data and a completely unseen field. Our dataset, benchmarks, and code are available at \url{}.


著者 Jan Weyler,Federico Magistri,Elias Marks,Yue Linn Chong,Matteo Sodano,Gianmarco Roggiolani,Nived Chebrolu,Cyrill Stachniss,Jens Behley
発行日 2024-07-24 12:48:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク