Bayesian Causal Forests for Longitudinal Data: Assessing the Impact of Part-Time Work on Growth in High School Mathematics Achievement


一方、ベイジアン ノンパラメトリック手法は、単一時点の観察研究から因果関係を推定するために最近普及しています。
しかし、これら 2 つのアプローチの長所を組み合わせて、長期的なデータから異種因果関係を柔軟に推定できる方法は依然として不足しています。
米国の 20,000 人を超える生徒の代表的なサンプルを追跡する NCES の最新の縦断研究である高校縦断研究からの 2 つの波のデータを動機として、私たちの研究はベイズ因果の森の縦方向の拡張を導入しています。


Modelling growth in student achievement is a significant challenge in the field of education. Understanding how interventions or experiences such as part-time work can influence this growth is also important. Traditional methods like difference-in-differences are effective for estimating causal effects from longitudinal data. Meanwhile, Bayesian non-parametric methods have recently become popular for estimating causal effects from single time point observational studies. However, there remains a scarcity of methods capable of combining the strengths of these two approaches to flexibly estimate heterogeneous causal effects from longitudinal data. Motivated by two waves of data from the High School Longitudinal Study, the NCES’ most recent longitudinal study which tracks a representative sample of over 20,000 students in the US, our study introduces a longitudinal extension of Bayesian Causal Forests. This model allows for the flexible identification of both individual growth in mathematical ability and the effects of participation in part-time work. Simulation studies demonstrate the predictive performance and reliable uncertainty quantification of the proposed model. Results reveal the negative impact of part time work for most students, but hint at potential benefits for those students with an initially low sense of school belonging. Clear signs of a widening achievement gap between students with high and low academic achievement are also identified. Potential policy implications are discussed, along with promising areas for future research.


著者 Nathan McJames,Ann O’Shea,Andrew Parnell
発行日 2024-07-16 17:18:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.AP, stat.ML パーマリンク