High-Speed Motion Planning for Aerial Swarms in Unknown and Cluttered Environments


この研究では、環境の未知/未発見の部分を明示的に考慮した、空中群のための最初の高速、分散型、同期運動計画フレームワーク (HDSM) を提案します。
提案された方法は、成功率 (目標位置への到達に 100% 成功)、飛行速度 (97% 高速)、および飛行時間 (50% 短縮) の点で、最近の 4 つの最先端の方法を上回っています。
最後に、この方法は概念実証として Crazyflie ナノドローンのセットで検証されます。


Coordinated flight of multiple drones allows to achieve tasks faster such as search and rescue and infrastructure inspection. Thus, pushing the state-of-the-art of aerial swarms in navigation speed and robustness is of tremendous benefit. In particular, being able to account for unexplored/unknown environments when planning trajectories allows for safer flight. In this work, we propose the first high-speed, decentralized, and synchronous motion planning framework (HDSM) for an aerial swarm that explicitly takes into account the unknown/undiscovered parts of the environment. The proposed approach generates an optimized trajectory for each planning agent that avoids obstacles and other planning agents while moving and exploring the environment. The only global information that each agent has is the target location. The generated trajectory is high-speed, safe from unexplored spaces, and brings the agent closer to its goal. The proposed method outperforms four recent state-of-the-art methods in success rate (100% success in reaching the target location), flight speed (97% faster), and flight time (50% lower). Finally, the method is validated on a set of Crazyflie nano-drones as a proof of concept.


著者 Charbel Toumieh,Dario Floreano
発行日 2024-07-12 14:18:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク