OneActor: Consistent Character Generation via Cluster-Conditioned Guidance


この問題に対して、OneActor と呼ばれる新しいワンショット調整パラダイムを提案します。
学習されたセマンティック ガイダンスを介したプロンプトのみによって駆動される一貫した主題の生成を効率的に実行し、骨の折れるバックボーンの調整を回避します。
ワンショット調整パイプラインに共通する過剰適合の課題を軽減するために、補助サンプルで調整を強化し、セマンティック補間とクラスター ガイダンスという 2 つの推論戦略を考案します。
さらに、チューニングベースのベースラインよりも 4 倍速いチューニング速度を達成し、必要に応じて推論時間の増加を回避します。
この特性は、微細な生成制御のためのもう 1 つの有望なツールとして機能します。


Text-to-image diffusion models benefit artists with high-quality image generation. Yet their stochastic nature hinders artists from creating consistent images of the same subject. Existing methods try to tackle this challenge and generate consistent content in various ways. However, they either depend on external restricted data or require expensive tuning of the diffusion model. For this issue, we propose a novel one-shot tuning paradigm, termed as OneActor. It efficiently performs consistent subject generation solely driven by prompts via a learned semantic guidance to bypass the laborious backbone tuning. We lead the way to formalize the objective of consistent subject generation from a clustering perspective, and thus design a cluster-conditioned model. To mitigate the overfitting challenge shared by one-shot tuning pipelines, we augment the tuning with auxiliary samples and devise two inference strategies: semantic interpolation and cluster guidance. These techniques are later verified to significantly enhance the generation quality. Comprehensive experiments show that our method outperforms a variety of baselines with satisfactory subject consistency, superior prompt conformity as well as high image quality. Our method is capable of multi-subject generation and compatible with popular diffusion extensions. Besides, we achieve a 4 times faster tuning speed than tuning-based baselines and, if desired, avoid increasing inference time. Furthermore, to our best knowledge, we are the first to prove that the semantic space of the diffusion model has the same interpolation property as the latent space does. This property can serve as another promising tool for fine generation control.


著者 Jiahao Wang,Caixia Yan,Haonan Lin,Weizhan Zhang,Mengmeng Wang,Tieliang Gong,Guang Dai,Hao Sun
発行日 2024-07-12 13:03:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク