ZeroI2V: Zero-Cost Adaptation of Pre-trained Transformers from Image to Video


ただし、これらの適応戦略では、ビデオのドメイン ギャップと時間モデリングに対処するための追加の計算コストが必然的に発生します。
この論文では、画像変換器をビデオ認識タスクに移すための新しい適応パラダイム (ZeroI2V) を紹介します (つまり、推論中に元のモデルに追加コストをゼロに導入します)。
この目標を達成するために、2 つの主要な設計を紹介します。
まず、ビデオのダイナミクスをキャプチャし、画像からビデオへの適応の難しさを軽減するために、自己注意の柔軟性を活用し、時空間双頭注意 (STDHA) を導入します。
代表的な完全教師付きの少数ショットビデオ認識ベンチマークに関する広範な実験により、ZeroI2V は優れたパラメーターと推論効率を享受しながら、以前の最先端の方法と同等、またはそれを上回るパフォーマンスを発揮できることが示されています。


Adapting image models to the video domain has emerged as an efficient paradigm for solving video recognition tasks. Due to the huge number of parameters and effective transferability of image models, performing full fine-tuning is less efficient and even unnecessary. Thus, recent research is shifting its focus toward parameter-efficient image-to-video adaptation. However, these adaptation strategies inevitably introduce extra computational costs to deal with the domain gap and temporal modeling in videos. In this paper, we present a new adaptation paradigm (ZeroI2V) to transfer the image transformers to video recognition tasks (i.e., introduce zero extra cost to the original models during inference). To achieve this goal, we present two core designs. First, to capture the dynamics in videos and reduce the difficulty of image-to-video adaptation, we exploit the flexibility of self-attention and introduce spatial-temporal dual-headed attention (STDHA). This approach efficiently endows the image transformers with temporal modeling capability at zero extra parameters and computation. Second, to handle the domain gap between images and videos, we propose a linear adaption strategy that utilizes lightweight densely placed linear adapters to fully transfer the frozen image models to video recognition. Thanks to the customized linear design, all newly added adapters could be easily merged with the original modules through structural reparameterization after training, enabling zero extra cost during inference. Extensive experiments on representative fully-supervised and few-shot video recognition benchmarks showcase that ZeroI2V can match or even outperform previous state-of-the-art methods while enjoying superior parameter and inference efficiency.


著者 Xinhao Li,Yuhan Zhu,Limin Wang
発行日 2024-07-11 14:53:59+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク