TeVAE: A Variational Autoencoder Approach for Discrete Online Anomaly Detection in Variable-state Multivariate Time-series Data


これに対処するために、ラベルのないデータでトレーニングされた場合に誤検知を最小限に抑えて異常を検出できる時間変分オートエンコーダー (TeVAE) を提案します。
適切に構成されている場合、TeVAE は異常に誤ってフラグを立てる確率は 6% のみで、存在する異常の 65% を検出します。


As attention to recorded data grows in the realm of automotive testing and manual evaluation reaches its limits, there is a growing need for automatic online anomaly detection. This real-world data is complex in many ways and requires the modelling of testee behaviour. To address this, we propose a temporal variational autoencoder (TeVAE) that can detect anomalies with minimal false positives when trained on unlabelled data. Our approach also avoids the bypass phenomenon and introduces a new method to remap individual windows to a continuous time series. Furthermore, we propose metrics to evaluate the detection delay and root-cause capability of our approach and present results from experiments on a real-world industrial data set. When properly configured, TeVAE flags anomalies only 6% of the time wrongly and detects 65% of anomalies present. It also has the potential to perform well with a smaller training and validation subset but requires a more sophisticated threshold estimation method.


著者 Lucas Correia,Jan-Christoph Goos,Philipp Klein,Thomas Bäck,Anna V. Kononova
発行日 2024-07-09 13:32:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CE, cs.LG パーマリンク