Bayesian grey-box identification of nonlinear convection effects in heat transfer dynamics


この手順は、伝導および線形対流効果のホワイト ボックス コンポーネント (つまり、既知の物理学) と、非線形対流効果のブラック ボックス コンポーネントとして機能するガウス プロセスで構成されるガウス過程の潜在力モデルに基づいています。


We propose a computational procedure for identifying convection in heat transfer dynamics. The procedure is based on a Gaussian process latent force model, consisting of a white-box component (i.e., known physics) for the conduction and linear convection effects and a Gaussian process that acts as a black-box component for the nonlinear convection effects. States are inferred through Bayesian smoothing and we obtain approximate posterior distributions for the kernel covariance function’s hyperparameters using Laplace’s method. The nonlinear convection function is recovered from the Gaussian process states using a Bayesian regression model. We validate the procedure by simulation error using the identified nonlinear convection function, on both data from a simulated system and measurements from a physical assembly.


著者 Wouter M. Kouw,Caspar Gruijthuijsen,Lennart Blanken,Enzo Evers,Timothy Rogers
発行日 2024-07-09 14:37:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CE, cs.LG, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク