Empirical analysis of Biding Precedent efficiency in the Brazilian Supreme Court via Similar Case Retrieval


拘束力のある先例 (S\’umulas Vinculantes) はブラジルの法制度に特有の法的手段を構成し、その目的には反復的な要求から連邦最高裁判所を保護することが含まれます。
私たちは、拘束力のある 5 つの判例 11、14、17、26、および 37 の法的影響を、それらが扱っている法的主題に及ぼす影響を通じて、最高裁判所レベルで経験的に評価します。
したがって、この記事の貢献は 2 つあります。数学的側面では、類似ケース検索における自然言語処理のさまざまな手法 (TF-IDF、LSTM、BERT、正規表現) の使用法を比較し、法的側面では、


Binding precedents (S\’umulas Vinculantes) constitute a juridical instrument unique to the Brazilian legal system and whose objectives include the protection of the Federal Supreme Court against repetitive demands. Studies of the effectiveness of these instruments in decreasing the Court’s exposure to similar cases, however, indicate that they tend to fail in such a direction, with some of the binding precedents seemingly creating new demands. We empirically assess the legal impact of five binding precedents, 11, 14, 17, 26 and 37, at the highest court level through their effects on the legal subjects they address. This analysis is only possible through the comparison of the Court’s ruling about the precedents’ themes before they are created, which means that these decisions should be detected through techniques of Similar Case Retrieval. The contributions of this article are therefore twofold: on the mathematical side, we compare the uses of different methods of Natural Language Processing — TF-IDF, LSTM, BERT, and regex — for Similar Case Retrieval, whereas on the legal side, we contrast the inefficiency of these binding precedents with a set of hypotheses that may justify their repeated usage. We observe that the deep learning models performed significantly worse in the specific Similar Case Retrieval task and that the reasons for binding precedents to fail in responding to repetitive demand are heterogeneous and case-dependent, making it impossible to single out a specific cause.


著者 Raphaël Tinarrage,Henrique Ennes,Lucas E. Resck,Lucas T. Gomes,Jean R. Ponciano,Jorge Poco
発行日 2024-07-09 16:17:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: (Primary), 68T07, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.IR, cs.LG パーマリンク