Cycle-Correspondence Loss: Learning Dense View-Invariant Visual Features from Unlabeled and Unordered RGB Images


この論文では、ビュー不変の密な記述子学習のためのサイクル対応損失 (CCL) を紹介します。これはサイクル一貫性の概念を採用し、単純なデータ収集パイプラインとペアになっていない RGB カメラ ビューでのトレーニングを可能にします。
私たちの評価では、キーポイント追跡と下流のロボット把握タスクの両方に関して、他の自己教師あり RGB のみの手法よりも優れており、教師あり手法のパフォーマンスに近づいていることが示されています。


Robot manipulation relying on learned object-centric descriptors became popular in recent years. Visual descriptors can easily describe manipulation task objectives, they can be learned efficiently using self-supervision, and they can encode actuated and even non-rigid objects. However, learning robust, view-invariant keypoints in a self-supervised approach requires a meticulous data collection approach involving precise calibration and expert supervision. In this paper we introduce Cycle-Correspondence Loss (CCL) for view-invariant dense descriptor learning, which adopts the concept of cycle-consistency, enabling a simple data collection pipeline and training on unpaired RGB camera views. The key idea is to autonomously detect valid pixel correspondences by attempting to use a prediction over a new image to predict the original pixel in the original image, while scaling error terms based on the estimated confidence. Our evaluation shows that we outperform other self-supervised RGB-only methods, and approach performance of supervised methods, both with respect to keypoint tracking as well as for a robot grasping downstream task.


著者 David B. Adrian,Andras Gabor Kupcsik,Markus Spies,Heiko Neumann
発行日 2024-06-18 09:44:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク