100 Drivers, 2200 km: A Natural Dataset of Driving Style toward Human-centered Intelligent Driving Systems


この論文は、100 人のドライバーの運転スタイルの主観的評価がタグ付けされた運転スタイルの自然なデータセット (100-DrivingStyle) を構築することにより、新しいベンチマークを提供します。
6 つの分類子を使用してベンチマーク機能を実証します。
100-DrivingStyle データセットは、https://github.com/chaopengzhang/100-DrivingStyle-Dataset から入手できます。


Effective driving style analysis is critical to developing human-centered intelligent driving systems that consider drivers’ preferences. However, the approaches and conclusions of most related studies are diverse and inconsistent because no unified datasets tagged with driving styles exist as a reliable benchmark. The absence of explicit driving style labels makes verifying different approaches and algorithms difficult. This paper provides a new benchmark by constructing a natural dataset of Driving Style (100-DrivingStyle) tagged with the subjective evaluation of 100 drivers’ driving styles. In this dataset, the subjective quantification of each driver’s driving style is from themselves and an expert according to the Likert-scale questionnaire. The testing routes are selected to cover various driving scenarios, including highways, urban, highway ramps, and signalized traffic. The collected driving data consists of lateral and longitudinal manipulation information, including steering angle, steering speed, lateral acceleration, throttle position, throttle rate, brake pressure, etc. This dataset is the first to provide detailed manipulation data with driving-style tags, and we demonstrate its benchmark function using six classifiers. The 100-DrivingStyle dataset is available via https://github.com/chaopengzhang/100-DrivingStyle-Dataset


著者 Chaopeng Zhang,Wenshuo Wang,Zhaokun Chen,Junqiang Xi
発行日 2024-06-12 05:58:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク