An Optimism-based Approach to Online Evaluation of Generative Models


私たちの手法では、楽観主義ベースのマルチアーム バンディット フレームワークを使用して、最も高い評価スコアを持つデータを生成するモデルを特定し、生成されたデータの品質と多様性を定量化します。
具体的には、Fr\’echet Inception Distance (FID) および Inception Score (IS) メトリクスに基づく生成モデルのオンライン評価を研究し、オンライン学習における上限信頼限界アプローチを活用した FID-UCB および IS-UCB アルゴリズムを提案します。


Existing frameworks for evaluating and comparing generative models typically target an offline setting, where the evaluator has access to full batches of data produced by the models. However, in many practical scenarios, the goal is to identify the best model using the fewest generated samples to minimize the costs of querying data from the models. Such an online comparison is challenging with current offline assessment methods. In this work, we propose an online evaluation framework to find the generative model that maximizes a standard assessment score among a group of available models. Our method uses an optimism-based multi-armed bandit framework to identify the model producing data with the highest evaluation score, quantifying the quality and diversity of generated data. Specifically, we study the online assessment of generative models based on the Fr\’echet Inception Distance (FID) and Inception Score (IS) metrics and propose the FID-UCB and IS-UCB algorithms leveraging the upper confidence bound approach in online learning. We prove sub-linear regret bounds for these algorithms and present numerical results on standard image datasets, demonstrating their effectiveness in identifying the score-maximizing generative model.


著者 Xiaoyan Hu,Ho-fung Leung,Farzan Farnia
発行日 2024-06-11 16:57:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク