The Emergence of Reproducibility and Generalizability in Diffusion Models


さらに驚くべきことに、私たちのさらなる調査は、拡散モデルがトレーニング データ サイズの影響を受ける異なる分布を学習していることを示唆しています。
これは、モデルの再現性が 2 つの異なるトレーニング レジームで表れるという事実によって裏付けられます。(i) 拡散モデルがトレーニング データの分布にオーバーフィットする「記憶レジーム」、および (ii) モデルが学習する「一般化レジーム」です。


In this work, we investigate an intriguing and prevalent phenomenon of diffusion models which we term as ‘consistent model reproducibility’: given the same starting noise input and a deterministic sampler, different diffusion models often yield remarkably similar outputs. We confirm this phenomenon through comprehensive experiments, implying that different diffusion models consistently reach the same data distribution and scoring function regardless of diffusion model frameworks, model architectures, or training procedures. More strikingly, our further investigation implies that diffusion models are learning distinct distributions affected by the training data size. This is supported by the fact that the model reproducibility manifests in two distinct training regimes: (i) ‘memorization regime’, where the diffusion model overfits to the training data distribution, and (ii) ‘generalization regime’, where the model learns the underlying data distribution. Our study also finds that this valuable property generalizes to many variants of diffusion models, including those for conditional use, solving inverse problems, and model fine-tuning. Finally, our work raises numerous intriguing theoretical questions for future investigation and highlights practical implications regarding training efficiency, model privacy, and the controlled generation of diffusion models.


著者 Huijie Zhang,Jinfan Zhou,Yifu Lu,Minzhe Guo,Peng Wang,Liyue Shen,Qing Qu
発行日 2024-06-10 14:37:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク