ZAPP! Zonotope Agreement of Prediction and Planning for Continuous-Time Collision Avoidance with Discrete-Time Dynamics


過去数年間で、モバイル ロボットの安全で広範な展開に不可欠な 2 つの面、つまり複数のエージェントの不確実な動作の予測と、不確実性の下でのロボットの動作の計画という 2 つの面で大きな進歩が見られました。
本稿では、表現の不一致を解決するための ZAPP (Zonotope Contract of Prediction and Planning) を提案します。
ZAPP は、予測に適した粗時間離散化と計画に適したゾノトープ不確実性表現を統合します。
数値例は、ZAPP がインタラクティブ シーンでベースラインと比較してどのように安全な軌道を生成できるかを示しています。


The past few years have seen immense progress on two fronts that are critical to safe, widespread mobile robot deployment: predicting uncertain motion of multiple agents, and planning robot motion under uncertainty. However, the numerical methods required on each front have resulted in a mismatch of representation for prediction and planning. In prediction, numerical tractability is usually achieved by coarsely discretizing time, and by representing multimodal multi-agent interactions as distributions with infinite support. On the other hand, safe planning typically requires very fine time discretization, paired with distributions with compact support, to reduce conservativeness and ensure numerical tractability. The result is, when existing predictors are coupled with planning and control, one may often find unsafe motion plans. This paper proposes ZAPP (Zonotope Agreement of Prediction and Planning) to resolve the representation mismatch. ZAPP unites a prediction-friendly coarse time discretization and a planning-friendly zonotope uncertainty representation; the method also enables differentiating through a zonotope collision check, allowing one to integrate prediction and planning within a gradient-based optimization framework. Numerical examples show how ZAPP can produce safer trajectories compared to baselines in interactive scenes.


著者 Luca Paparusso,Shreyas Kousik,Edward Schmerling,Francesco Braghin,Marco Pavone
発行日 2024-06-03 22:11:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク