CoNav: A Benchmark for Human-Centered Collaborative Navigation


このギャップを埋めるために、私たちは協調ナビゲーション (CoNav) ベンチマークを提案します。
当社の CoNav は、現実的で多様な人間の活動を伴う 3D ナビゲーション環境を構築するという重要な課題に取り組んでいます。
これを達成するために、テキストの説明と環境コンテキストの両方を条件とする、新しい LLM ベースの人型アニメーション生成フレームワークを設計します。
既存のナビゲーション方法は人間の意図の認識を無視しているため、CoNav タスクでは困難であることが経験的にわかっています。
エージェントは、予測された意図とパノラマ観察に基づいてナビゲーション アクションを予測します。


Human-robot collaboration, in which the robot intelligently assists the human with the upcoming task, is an appealing objective. To achieve this goal, the agent needs to be equipped with a fundamental collaborative navigation ability, where the agent should reason human intention by observing human activities and then navigate to the human’s intended destination in advance of the human. However, this vital ability has not been well studied in previous literature. To fill this gap, we propose a collaborative navigation (CoNav) benchmark. Our CoNav tackles the critical challenge of constructing a 3D navigation environment with realistic and diverse human activities. To achieve this, we design a novel LLM-based humanoid animation generation framework, which is conditioned on both text descriptions and environmental context. The generated humanoid trajectory obeys the environmental context and can be easily integrated into popular simulators. We empirically find that the existing navigation methods struggle in CoNav task since they neglect the perception of human intention. To solve this problem, we propose an intention-aware agent for reasoning both long-term and short-term human intention. The agent predicts navigation action based on the predicted intention and panoramic observation. The emergent agent behavior including observing humans, avoiding human collision, and navigation reveals the efficiency of the proposed datasets and agents.


著者 Changhao Li,Xinyu Sun,Peihao Chen,Jugang Fan,Zixu Wang,Yanxia Liu,Jinhui Zhu,Chuang Gan,Mingkui Tan
発行日 2024-06-04 15:44:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク